My new wall calendar for the upcoming year 2023 is out now 
It all started with one dachshund and a pile of missing socks...
The design process took its very first steps at one night when were just listing all the pranks our dog (named Perry) had fooled us with in our everyday life. One very common prank is to steal socks and run us around the apartment while trying to get them back. It's not until we offer some treats when Perry is willing to let his catch go. What a smart-ass.
After the listing I became to think: why not choose this as topic for the next year's calendar? After all, there has to be some other dog owners experiencing the same shenanigans made by our furry family members. 
The style for the illustrations took a step to brighter colors compared to last year's calendar, while the layout stayed more or less the same.
The calendar was sold out at the Muotsikan Joulumyyjäiset (Christmas Fair of LAB Institute of Design & Fine Arts), which took place on the weekend of 19.–20.11.2022 at Sammiosali (Päijänteenkatu 9, Lahti).
calendar 2022
Kalenterin teemaksi valikoitui ujon ihmisen vuosi. Kuvituksissa hahmo piiloutuu joka kuukauteen sopivan esineen tai asian taakse, esimerkiksi sateenvarjon tai joululahjapaketin. Tällä muistutetaan ujoudenkin olevan ihan okei.
Yhteensä kolmestatoista A4–kokoisesta printistä koostuva kalenteri piti mukanaan myös paperipuristimen, jonka avulla kalenteri oli helppo ripustaa seinälle. 
Seinäkalenteri oli ostetttavissa ensi kerran Muotoiluinstituutin vuotuisissa joulumyyjäisissä marraskuussa 2021, ja se myytiinkin loppuun seuraavan joulukuun aikana. Kiitos kaikille ostaneille!​​​​​​​
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